July bouquet subscription


4 weekly bouquets featuring perennials like delphiniums and martagon lilies mixed with early summer annual blooms like foxgloves, campanula, stock and feverfew. You’ll get pastels with the last of the peonies and ranunculus at the beginning of the month, then move into brighter colors as the lilies and field perennials start later in July. The subscription starts July 2nd/4th and runs for four weeks straight, ending July 23rd/25th. Fill your office or home with the delicious scent of these gorgeous field grown blooms!

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Flowers will be available for pickup at your choice of location: my place in Cold Lake north, Cold Lake South public library, or H&R Block in Bonnyville. Pick up day is your choice of Tuesday or Thursday from noon until 6pm in CL north, noon until 8pm in CL south and noon until 5pm in Bonnyville.